Friday, February 11, 2011

Solar hot water act (S.2993 &HR 4597)

Solar Hot Water

The 10 Million Solar Roofs & 10 Million Gallons of Solar Hot Water Act would address rising energy costs, global warming and America’s dependence on foreign energy sources and create tens of thousands of new green-collar jobs and billions of dollars in new investment. The legislation would spur the installation of photovoltaic (PV) and solar water heating (SWH) technology across the country by providing direct rebates to consumers. Analysis by SEIA shows that there is sufficient roof space in the United States to provide 20% of total electricity demand using PV panels. A report by the New Rules Project shows that 38 U.S. states could generate 20% or more of their electricity from in-state resources using rooftop PV alone.

Key Provisions
Provides a direct rebate to the purchasers of solar PV or solar thermal systems in the United States. The maximum rebate for PV systems would begin at $1.75/watt and would decline to $0.50/watt in 2018. The maximum solar thermal rebate would be $1/watt.

The Secretary of Energy determines the actual rebate level, with the goal of deploying 10 million new distributed PV systems and 200,000 new solar hot water systems over the next ten years.
Eligible recipients include homeowners, businesses, non-profit entities and state or local governments. The properties on which the solar systems are installed must be located within the United States and must meet energy efficiency criteria designated by the Secretary of Energy. The solar systems must also be no larger than 2 megawatts.

The total rebate may not exceed 50% of the net installed system cost after factoring in other rebates, tax credits and incentives.

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